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This page provides a chronological summary of business highlights at Daiwa Chemical Industries.


1958 OG Corporation (formerly Osaka Godo Co., Ltd.) established Daiwa Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. with 5 mn JPY in capital by spinning off its Osaka, Tokyo and Shijo Plants.
1959 Started producing MULTIFAR fluorescent whitening agent at the Headquarters Plant.
1962 Started selling SOLDINE paper strengthening agent at the Tokyo Plant.
1966 Started producing CARRIER dye at the Osaka Plant.
1968 Started producing sulfonated oil.
1969 Completed construction of a new headquarters office.
1970 Acquired certification for FRAN O/T fire-extinguishing agents from the Japan Fire Retardant Association.
1976 Sales of SOLDINE topped 1,500 ton/year.
1980 Completed construction of the Osaka Plant, research wing and headquarters addition. Newly built research wing, Osaka Plant
▲ Newly built research wing, Osaka Plant
1981 Started producing FIXARON dye fixing agent and SOFTAREN acid dye.
1983 Completed construction of a research wing and office at the Tokyo Plant.
Started selling the NONSTAC series of washable antibacterial agents.
Newly built research wing, Tokyo Plant
▲ Newly built research wing, Tokyo Plant
1984 Started selling mite-controlling dust bags for vacuum cleaners made by a big brand appliance company.
1986 Started selling the ACROLIN series of chlorine fastness improvers.
1987 Started selling the AMOLDEN M series of washable antibacterial agents and ACEDIN series of paper strengthening agents.
1988 Started selling the COATSIZER NP series of PVA removers.
1989 Started selling ANINSEN CBP mite repellant for bedding and AMOLDEN MCM-400 antibacterial agent for compound processing.
1990 Started selling the ANINSEN SIB series of insect repellants for resin kneading and AMOLDEN SK-802 mildew-proofing agent for resin kneading.
1991 Started selling the FRAN-EM-1500 series of PET dye bath flame-retarding agents and SAUBER SET-P series of underwear deodorizers.
1992 Started selling NEW SAUBER SET deodorizer and BIODEN MS205 mildew-proofing for washtubs.
1993 Established an official logo mark and typeface.
Started selling the TENDRE series of natural products.
1995 Started selling SAUBER SUPER cigarette deodorizer.
1996 Started selling ANINSEN-CLC mosquito repellant and the MICROCOLON series of aromatics.
1997 Started selling EVASTEN antibacterial mite repellant for bedding and CERAMOND far-infrared radiation agent.
1998 Completed construction of an office at the Tokyo Plant.
Started selling the DEEPNOLE series of PET color-deepening agents and the NEODRY series of water-absorbing quick-drying agents for cotton.
1999 Started selling the NONENON series of aging-odor deodorants.
2000 Acquired ISO9002 certification for FRAN flame-extinguishing agent produced at the Osaka Plant.
2001 Acquired ISO9002 certification for ACEDIN paper strengthening agent produced at the Tokyo Plant.
Started selling IDEON negative-ion treatment agent and the SUNWARMER series of heat storage treatment agent for underwear.
2002 Started selling the AQUAIN HOT and CERAMOND HR series of water-absorbing heat-generating agents for cotton and PET.
Established Wuxi Daintex Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. as a business venture in China.
2003 Completed construction of a third plant at the Osaka Plant.
Started selling the AMOLDEN BB series of antiseptic mildew-proofing agent for wet tissues.
Transferred registration of the Osaka and Tokyo Plants to ISO9001:2000.
2004 Started selling INERT pollen and mite allergen deactivator for car filters, the PRETHERMO series of contact cold-sensation treatment agents and the ACR series of roach repellants for IH stovetops.
2005 Started selling the CELLGLUE series of household paper adhesives.
2009 Opened the Evaluation and Technology Center, and registered it with JNLA.
2010 Opened the Tokyo Office.
Started selling PANAPASTE single-sided water repellant and AMOLDEN OCF (SEK mark-compliant) mildew-proofing agent.
2011 Started selling the FRAN-EM series of non-HBCD flame-extinguishing agents.
2012 Started selling FRAGCELL lingering scent strengthening agent and AA-2100k antibacterial agent for Moraxella osloensis.
2013 Established Jiangxi Hedajin Industry Co., Ltd. as a business venture in China.
Started selling INSULAN wind-proofing agent for textiles and PANAGUARD OP-SR28 water repellant, water-absorbing, soil guard and release, antibacterial agent.
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